Chemical and process analysts require gas mixtures with precisely known, accurate, and certified component concentration levels with the maximum possible degree of confidence and reliability for standardizing and calibrating their instruments.

Each such gas mixture is designed and supplier to meet tight specifications with reference to blending tolerance, analytical accuracy, traceability, and stability, keeping in mind the safety in the preparation and use of such gas mixtures.

Our calibration gas mixtures are prepared using the highest quality components and are certified to international standards. We offer a wide range of standard calibration gas mixtures for common applications, as well as custom blends for specific requirements. Our experienced team can work with you to create a custom gas mixture that meets your exact specifications.

In addition to calibration gas mixtures, we also offer a range of specialty gases for niche applications. These include ultra-high purity gases, reactive gases, and rare gases. Our specialty gases are used in a variety of industries, from semiconductor suplier to medical research and aerospace.